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Do you have a technology that could save the planet from global warming? The EU is offering 21 new grants for technologies, ideas, government ministries, municipalities and organizations that want to join change.

Billion euros for 21 green grants. Investors in the future


In the near future - October 2020 - the EU intends to promote women-dominated societies. 25% of the companies that will be invited for an interview and will receive funding will be companies with a female CEO or a woman in a similar position. 

25% guarantee of representation for women in grants to companies from the EU



Many praise the EU for its conduct during the Corona crisis  • Apparently many of the eulogizers do not understand the essence and structure of the union

Will the EU collapse after we get out of the corona? Think again



Michal Zilberberg explains grants to startups from the EU  On the benefits and types of grants  How to know what suits you best  • And tips for writing a winning application. 

Webinar Export Institute - Membership Grant - EIC PILOT


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